Spiritual Tune-Up with Reiki and an Intuitive Reading

Years ago, on my home island of Put-in-Bay, I embarked on a journey to help others find healing and peace, alongside my organic products. With Reiki Master and Life Coaching Certificates and nearly 20 years of teaching experience, I created unique sessions for people seeking guidance. I held these sessions in my li'l island shop, alongside my BnB called Freshwater Retreat.
The property was more than just a shop and BnB; I hoped that it could become a sanctuary for those seeking healing and peace. The main house held self-help books and videos in the library. I decorated each room with its own salt lamp, sound maker, and an extra comfy organic bed topper. I created peaceful spaces in the gardens and in the various rooms of the house. Eco-friendly was the theme, too, with attention to cleaning supplies used, and the coffee and snacks were organic, of course.
I was proud of what I created, thinking I'd do this until I became an old woman. MY vision was of me in a rocking chair on that big front porch, looking out at Lake Erie. But, God Universe had other plans for me. Like many during Covid, my eyes were opened up. Wide open!
I divorced (for the second time) and immediately after my divorce, I stopped offering all healing sessions. I felt that I was unable to help anyone on her healing journey because I felt like such a failure. I mean, come ON. TWO DIVORCES?  I don't think I have ever shared this before, but that's the truth of it all. I felt deeply as if "How in the hell can I help anyone? I didn't even know about XYZ in my marriage!!????" I felt dumb, even.
Within days of my marriage breaking apart, I became involved in the 12-step Al-Anon program and personal therapy. For the months that followed, I put any extra energy I had into my healing. That winter, I grieved harder than ever before in my life.  I let go. I learned truths I had been denying for over a decade and took a long hard look at my part in it all.
Unknowingly, I had been creating a healing sanctuary for MYSELF and now I'd put it to use.
Inside my lab, located in the back of my shop, I made more organic products than ever before. Creating was a big part of my healing. I planted more lavender. I kept busy re-reading all those self-help books inside the BnB. I became more understanding of my mom and her divorce from my dad. I forgave. I forgave myself...still working on this one. Always working.
This all happened four years ago.
Friends fell away. I stopped drinking alcohol. (Don't miss it. I highly recommend letting that one go. Such CLARITY!) I let go of committees I was on because, like in my marriage, I realized I was trying to "fix" things that didn't want to be "fixed." The codependence just doesn't suddenly STOP. I have to work on it every single day.
Then, about nine months later, I began dating a man I knew as Tommy. I'd known of him my whole life. He had been a "summer kid" on the island. BTW, I had sworn off dating for at least a year. I guess I changed my mind!
A year later, I sold my property on the island, leaving behind everything I knew. I surrendered it all. I truly Let Go and Let God on this one, trusting in the process the whole time. I knew deep down this was the best thing for me, even though it, too, has been extremely challenging. Oh, how I cried when I said goodbye to the home and gardens...
And, I married again, but this time, with the guidance of therapy and with eyes open. Wide open. Relationships are our best teachers, if we are open to receiving the lessons.
So...Lately, I've been feeling this stirring. I've been opening up again. I've been hearing the call to help and guide people, using my knowledge of hard stuff - aka life experience - and of course, my years working with Reiki and Reading Cards. So, I have created a space in my home where you can explore your spiritual journey with the guidance that comes through me. It's a space I've been using for myself, like a micro version of my old BnB.
If this sounds intriguing to you, just email me at christie@youronlyearth to set up an appointment. My goal in life has always been to HELP.
More details...
I live about 20 minutes East of Downtown Cleveland, but virtual appointments are available, too. (Energy work knows no distance.) Each session lasts about an hour and is usually accompanied by a cup of tea. Sessions are unique for each individual, depending on her needs. Chakra clearing/activation. Reiki. Coaching/Exploration. Intuitive Readings. It's all a part of the one-on-one experience. I like to call my sessions a "Spiritual Tune-up."
Heck, you can even grab some organic goodies when you visit!
Peace and Love,
Thank you, Mary Beth - you know who you are -  for helping me remember how important Energy Healing work is and how I can use it to help others.
Please use the contact form below to reserve a session.

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